SunBlogNuke Runs well with DNN9

DNN9 finally released

As the article DNN 9 and the Future of the DNN Platform mentioned, Few goals that DNN offical team wanted to accomplish for this platform:

  • Reconstruct DNN to minimize our reliance on Web Forms architecture
  • Provide developers the freedom to use a variety of frameworks
  • Protect customers’ existing investments in DNN
  • Provide a fully supported upgrade path for everyone

DNN 9 represents the next step on our journey towards creating a more modern platform and further minimizing our use of Web Forms. Firstly the pre-released DNN9 with a brand new administrative experience that replaces the dated Web Forms based admin and host modules that we use today. Yes,this superstar is called “the Persona Bar“.

Plus there are some interesting points discussed in the comment section, for example:

  • Dnn is losing the needle of the compass and is becoming another type of wordpress but not focus on DNN philosophy
  • Why DNN lost more and more developers these years? due to the addition of MVC and SPA support or because they waited too long to support alternative frameworks.
  • There is ZERO advantage of using MVC in DNN. Plese skip crippled MVC in DNN and just embrace the development in WebForms or the newer SPA

Some notes for any dnn guys want to try DNN9:

  • Telerik won’t be going away completely in DNN 9. We hope to have that project finished for 9.1 or 9.2. Redoing the Admin Experience has been a big job and we were not able to completely redo the remaining modules that still use Telerik.
  • The host features did not go away at all. They have been incorporated and collapsed into the other administrative pages. see!AmCAjuMs3hO9j7Y6I_LdrZ5EVDMnzA These settings only show up for host users.

Other resources links:

DNN 9 Appears to Be a Foundational Step Forward for the Future of DNN

DNN Blog Module SunBlogNuke compatible well with DNN9

Our DNN blog module SunBlogNuke straight out of the box comes ready to embrace any changes and always compatible well with the latest DNN core package DNN9. Not only we will apply any handy tools, such as SPA framework and Boostrap UI framework, with our products, but also we assure that SunBlogNuke is still the best publishing tool with News, Magazine & Articles, for example Markdown support with better writing experience and the core Html/Text module is on road of integration.

And another good news for any DNN guys interested in our modules, is that we will include all the separate modules into the one-collection for SunBlogNuke, for example:

And the important point is that they will be all free for DNN Community. Please have a try on them later and if you are satisfied with those widgets, feel free to get us a coffee below :)

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